CHICAGO – In a continuing effort to ensure every Illinoisan has access to mental health and substance abuse care, Senate Behavioral and Mental Health Committee Chair Laura Fine held a joint subject matter hearing Thursday with State Representative Lindsey LaPointe to discuss financial and administrative barriers facing providers.
“Identifying the challenges facing mental health and substance abuse providers is essential in meeting responsible care standards and ensuring access to treatment,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “Organizations and programs struggle to further expand accessibility due to financial barriers, high staff turnover rates and the lack of proper resources. It is crucial that future funding and policies appropriately reflect their needs.”
Continuing from her first subject matter hearing in Chicago, Fine discussed the current challenges facing substance abuse, prevention and recovery providers across Illinois, including upgrading IT services, staff retention, staff salary constraints, reimbursement disparity based on a provider’s licensure, restriction for requesting funding and funding cuts.
Thursday’s hearing included testimony on administrative and financial barriers. Representatives from the Illinois Association of Behavioral Health, Illinois Healthcare and Family Services, the Illinois Department of Human Services, Rosecrance, Latino Treatment Center, Haymarket Center, Rush University Medical Center, The Puerto Rico Project and The Jolt Foundation shared testimony with the committee. They shared their experiences and their struggles to meet the needs of our communities.
“Receiving the proper care and support is critical and life-changing for our friends and loved ones,” said Fine. “Providers statewide see the need for expanding in underserved communities, and it is imperative we work together toward eliminating unnecessary burdens that impede accessibility.”
The Behavioral and Mental Health committee will continue working with providers as we move into the new legislative session.