State Senator Laura FineSPRINGFIELD – To protect residents from abuse and neglect at state-run mental health or developmental disability facilities, State Senator Laura Fine championed a law strengthening the ability of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to investigate allegations.

“It is the state’s responsibility to protect our most vulnerable residents,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “Through on-site investigations, the OIG is able to confirm and respond to reports of abuse at these facilities, while removing the source of the issue before a pattern of neglect ensues.”

This law expands protections for patients by giving the OIG the ability to conduct targeted site visits to all community agencies in the state, which includes Community Living Arrangements and Community Mental Health Centers.

The law enhances patient safety by further preventing employees from covering up instances of abuse and neglect. If an employee knows another employee is obstructing an investigation into a complaint, that employee is required to report that to the OIG.

“By authorizing the OIG to step in to make unannounced site visits, we can deter both obstructions to the investigative process and increase employee accountability,” said Fine. “I look forward to seeing the state utilize these additional tools to respond to these cases effectively.”

Senate Bill 857 was signed into law Friday and is effective immediately.