State Senator Laura FineSPRINGFIELD – State Senator Laura Fine is leading a measure to ensure reproductive health decisions are protected against discrimination.

“Advancing access to reproductive health care services includes safeguarding an individual’s ability to receive such care without fear of discriminatory obstacles,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “Making reproductive decisions is an autonomous act and should be given the respect and dignity expected of any other personal health care decision.”

While current law protects individuals from discrimination based on pregnancy – there are no existing protections against unlawful discrimination for individuals who exercise their reproductive health rights.

Fine’s measure would add “reproductive health decisions” as a protection under the Human Rights Act. This would ensure an individual is not discriminated against in employment or housing for their reproductive health decisions beyond pregnancy. This includes the use of contraception, fertility or sterilization care, assisted reproductive technologies, miscarriage management care, health care related to the continuation or termination of pregnancy, and prenatal, intranatal and postnatal care.

 “As Illinois continues to enhance health care for patients, we also must recognize areas to increase protections against current gaps and vulnerabilities that would otherwise discourage individuals from seeking treatment,” said Fine. “It is our responsibility as advocates for reproductive rights to also guarantee people feel welcome and protected in our state to make the best decisions for their own well-being.”

House Bill 4867 passed the Senate on Sunday.